X-Ball, it isnt worth the trouble for me to take apart my gun after everygame to clean out a chop and clean my eyes. Allthough i do believe their should be the option for people to buy white box if their short on cash.
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X-Ball, it isnt worth the trouble for me to take apart my gun after everygame to clean out a chop and clean my eyes. Allthough i do believe their should be the option for people to buy white box if their short on cash.
i love the xball so thats what I would shoot. but if we start shooting White Box paint, im bringing out the Reloader II. lol
I like the idea of having the option to purchase white box, at times i would buy White Box if money is short, before tounrys etc. But I would say sell xball and stuff and white box
There are so many different kinds of white box, really cheap like that stuff Canadian out of Winnepeg sells, I would say bring in a better quality of white box such as Rec Sport, its what pag had for rentals, it wasn't bad I would shoot that for practices. Both x ball and white box should be available.
i really dont care but white box is cheaper so ... the y got my vote
Mach, the white box on canadian paintball is Competitive edge which is made my Draxxus.
does anyone have some laying around so i can try it???? (whitebox all the way)
To me, providing that the paint is adequate in functionality, this would facilitate more practice and subsequently, resulting in improved skill levels amongst the participants.
D- Shiznak, maybe comp. edge is made be draxus but the white box i got from can. winnepeg is not draxus, can. paintball does not sell draxus.
Message from the CEO of CanadianPaintball.com:
The whitebox paint we sell is not Competitive Edge. Competitive Edge hasn't been in our possession for probably a year now. By far this paint is our #1 seller, mostly because of the price.
Like I have slways said to everyone - you get what you pay for. If you want $25.00 paint, expect $25.00 paint. You want $50.00 paint, you get the idea. You have to decide yourself what you want to pay for paint, which will equal it's quality, performance, consistency, fill shell, etc. If you want the best of the best, you'll pay the highest price.
Here is what customers typically say when they see $25.00 whitebox paint:
"Wow, $50.00 for two boxes of whitebox paint, or $50.00 forone box of paint."
We sell this paint in far greater numbers than the next highest quality ball we sell. No one complains, because they know what they're paying for. We can barely keep it in stock.
And they keeping coming back for more and more and more.
ya right, not me
I say keep both white-box and X-ball because some players can't afford to practice as much as they want because of money restrictions. Im on a budget so i would probly go for the white box for practices and X-ball for tournies.
whitebox may be cheap but it sucks for quality compared to x-ball
i like the x bal,l but bring in both to suite every ones needs and wants .
for 50 buck or lke 55 fur sure
How much of a differance in price are we talking about here?
Let's say on team night... we usually get a special on xball cases... which is a HUGE factor for me deciding to come play.
Would there also be some sort of special for the teams on this new white box stuff?
If the differance isn't very significant, I'm certain to go with the xball.
If I could get twice as much paint for the same cost, I would play twice as much.
Double the feild fees for you, I'd prolly buy more gear, and I would become a better player, much faster.
Ya i think you shoudl try out whitebox and see how it goes if people like it keep it if people hate it dont order more of it but never get rid of xball
the cheaper the better
sell both
omfg, I cant believe that Xball isnt getting all the votes! like, wtf?