salt vs. pepper
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salt vs. pepper
Italian food vs Chinese food
chinese food
hot or cold pizza?
Koala bears vs Kiwi birds
koala bears.
plates or bowls?
Cut and bleeding hands VS Cut and bleeding feet
cut and bleeding hands war with real guns vs war with paintball guns
Paintball, but since paint missiles don't exist.....
BMW M3 vs Porsche Cayman
porsche cayman
subway vs mr sub
Mr sub.
Down syndrome vs autistic
down syndrome
fighting a witch 1 0n 1 with a pistol vs fighting a tank 1 on 1 with a hunting rifle
The witch
Fightings 1 vampire vs 2000 zombies
2000 zombies... All i would need is a good fortified position and lots of ammo.
Senile old people vs ADD children
2000 zombies with a lightsaber.
whoops sry add kids....
fight a werewolf with ur bare hands. vs fight 5 werewolves with a pistol but no silver
5 with a pistol
internet vs. video games
quad vs. snowmobile
Chinese Democracy vs Death Magnetic
r those bands??
white vs. black
white is right....
keep this theard alive? vs kill it now
keep it alive FOREVER!!!!
moldy cheese VS mystery meat