steak vs roast beef
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steak vs roast beef
wikipedia vs textbook lolz
textbook (i edit useless **** into wikipedia)
new gnr vs new metallica
ugh both suck
i think this one is probably done but
360 vs ps3
PS3....Bluray *****es
Coldplay vs U2
Oilers (Yeah!!) vs Flames (boooo)
Ironmen vs Dynasty
kallis's opinion vs death
Kallis's opinion
Hot chick whos dumb vs smart chick whos about a 6
damn how dumb? Like booksmarts dumb? or like booksmarts and common sense dumb?
screw it,
Hot chick
HAHAHAH gayest one ever!
Desperate Housewifes VS Sex In The City
Desperate Housewives. Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse
Tubro fury vs 1 inch of ground clearance
1 inch of ground clearance
Sport Bikes VS Cruisers
Cd's vs Vinyl
laptop vs blackberry
i love how this thread is still going
Britney VS Christina
both at the same time
Comedy now VS Just for laughs
comedy now fo sho
young jeezy vs. akon
General Snowman
humping a fat chick vs humping an ugly chick
humpping a fatchick
humping a ****** vs. humping a real person
Humping a real person...
Sleeping nude Vs. Sleeping in Pajamas,