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not to bring you down or anything but your priceing is kinda high
it says OBO....
but still bro ill give you 50 for the flex?
Pm's replied....
ill trade u my lid for ur crown for the vlocity
or how much u want for the crown?
any ups in the vlocity?
the crown is the only up sir... and I have 2 lids for it so no thanks....
sell me the crown then
I am gonna give it some time bryce.... haha I will get back to you in a week or 2
Can you part the JT mask. I'm interested in it, but don't want that strap.. PM me
what thread is the deathstix?
cocker threaded death stix and this is a nice looking barrel in person
Like RigPig said its cocker thread, and Vadim no sorry I wont part the frames/bottoms from the strap....
Pm's replied....
i remember once apon a time you said you wouldn.t sell that minion up for great buyer/seller....sorry bought lack of returned calls broke my phone(yet again) just got it back still need to get ahold of me pm or call me.
all pm's replied...
can you part the speed feed on the empire?
PM me lowest for jT and i'll consider it.
up / Pm'd
.I need this stuff gone! make me an offer if your interested!