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I honestly thought his brother was screwing around when I first read about this on his FB page.
Godspeed Travis. RIP.
Hard to believe Travis. thanks for being you, good friend, funny guy and good for the sport!
I remember playing with him years ago.
R.I.P buddy.
Had some good times Travis.... you have left me with some good memories.
I couldn't believe this was true at first. RIP Travis. I remember playing with you back before you were captain of Sonic and Justin was still pussnuts.
One of the first people I ever met/ played paintball with.
The sport suffers a massive loss. He will be missed.
Any details into what happened?
Everyone that knew Travis had their life enriched by being around him. I respected him for who he was and how he stood by his friends. It is very sad to see such a young life come to an end.
RIP Travis, you will be missed.
My condolences to his family and friends, always sad to hear about this sort of thing.
RIP Travis :( I am really sad to hear this news. Travis was such a good guy... He really helped the EP community grow into what it is today.
My condolences go out to Travis's family! I remember soo many great memories about this guy, I must have played against him countless times. Travis was not only a smart player, but he was a classy player. I can't believe he's gone...
The EPB family has lost a part of its family, RIP my friend...
My sincerest condolences to the Ueland family... Travis was a great kid, yet so mature for his age. I admired him for the leadership he demonstrated as he captained Team Sonic. You should be proud of your son, he brought "good" into many peoples' lives..
RIP Travis.. you will be missed..
My condolences are out to Travis's family and friends. He was a great guy and was a great captain and player. All around he brought joy to the game and helped many start of their paintball careers. The EPB community has lost a great player and a great person.
He will be missed and may he rest in peace.
:( rip Travis
Details on what happened?
I took this from a friend's FB profile. It seems fitting under the circumstances: "Never regret growing old. It's a privilege denied to a lot of people."
RIP travis. I had a great season with you in the first year of the cxbl, the way you helped lead the team was something nobody else could do. I learned a lot from you. As everyone has said probably one of the most clean and professional ballers ever. You will be missed
It's... just too shocking. Rest in peace. Travis used to help us noobs out when others wouldn't even look our way.
goes all the way back to the sonic and money mafia days. really sad news. rip man.
Terrible's a sad day.....
I think before all the fun starts on Sunday we should have a
moment of silence on the feild. Just a thought.
I will always remember the funny Hilton jokes and the Tips and advice that you gave me when I started playing
you will forever be missed but never forgotten
RIP Travis
As everyone has said, Travis impacted our lives in different ways, and it is entirley too soon for that to come to an end, but as it has, he will effect those he meets on his future travels wherever he may be.
R.I.P Travis
Does anyone know when and where the services are?
Sat Mar 13
Southside Memorial
8310 104st