Tuesdays at PAG
What events/things are usally going on tuesday nights? Like i know wednesday's are walk on nights, so i was just wondering if there is anything special on tuesdays?
OH also i havent been to a team night in years so i was just wondering if it is posible to just come down to pag and play with which ever teams are there that night.
i show up on mondays by myself and usually theres somone that missing a guy or two. Tuesdays is Vets/Kids night With Josh Davey.
vets? as in? and what are the critiria for that, cause iam not a kid and iam not that old lol... iam 22 but i have been playing for awhile
kids night is for the younger players, where as vets night is for the older players, i dont know if there is a set age limit but i think 22 is grounds for vets night
awesome so would i just show up there... or is there some kind of registration for it ?
nope you can just show up
sweet, do u know when the start time is?
usually at 7... im there at 6 cause they start 7 sharp