What a GREAT Grand Opening Event!
We had Gino from CanadianPaintball.com teaching the Spyder Tech cource. All those in the cource were so observant!
We had Adam Connolly there, AMAZING player to watch. He really showed the boys and girls how great they REALLY can be. Ill have pictures up tomorrow after the tournament of the clinic. I do believe that the pros were amazed at the level of ball here in Edmonton!
We had Josh Davey there, anoher AMAZING Player to watch. he was showing an example of a bunker run, he ran so fast and with such finesse was able to shoot all the boxes NO PROBLEM at all!!! He gave away his first jersey on Oakland Assassins and signed pictures!!
Lots at the door prize give away!!! Congratulations to Colin for winning the ION and everyone else who won a prize.
We also had on hand Chris formally of Velocity Magazine. BE SURE to get a Velocity magazine tomorrow at the tournament!!!
Congrats to Impact for winning vs Youngbloods, was GREAT game to watch!!
what a GREAT Grand Opening Event!
Well what can you say ? It was like we never wanted it to end , All day Saturday the store was booked full,Gio from Canadian Paintball.com the tech surrounded by viewers, Josh and Adam with over 30 players at the Paintball Clinic it was awsome, And some Hard core Xball from Impact, Young Bloods, Lil Bloods and with the help of Jessy Cable, Daren Dok and Mark from Hybrid. It was a whole lot of fun. I would like to thank The Young blood and Lil Bloods for coming all the way out of Winnipeg. They stayed with us and they all fine young men and great Ballers. They were so impressed with Pag and especially the people, the attitude , the Atmosphere here in Edmonton was unbelievable . So hats off to Edmonton Paintballers.
Congratulations to All the competing teams and to the winners Immortal and Play ground Assasins of the April Thaw event. It was great watching Jessy Cable win a two on one , Davey Jan making it to the Monster in the final Game cutting off the snake and then moving in to the laydown rollie and then taking out the snake and Justin of Sonic who played the snake all tournament with such intense it was unfortunate that they go 8 and 0 and stall in the Semi-finals. Seeing Kamakazi and DTP Factory hugging each other after their final game and showing great respect for each other ,just great sportsmanship. It was a pleasure to watch all of you play guns up ball and as you make your runs to the bunkers with your heads up. We will all say were you at PAG's Grand opening and what a Blast it was. Thanks everyone from Impact for making it one event we will all never forget.