3 on 3 tourney at pag
there will be a 3 on 3 tourney at paintball action games sometime in july i just need to get some feed back on how you guys would want this to be run should all players throw in 20$ as an entry fee and then its all pooled together to make prizes? is there anyone interested in playing?
Are there going to be any divisions? Or just a free for all?
i would be into that, i think it would be fun
Ill help ref ... and then pull 2 for 1s O YEAH! lol, it be cool idea ben who'd ref though?
ill help reff also or play :)
are dates set or anything yet?
You have to do it after Fernie... So like July 24th would be good.
If incognito doesn't get in on this, I would be more than willing to volunteer for reffing.
I may be a newb, but I know the rules.
I just want to be involved, that's all.
would we need reffs? cant anyone be trusted anymore... sigh.
Div 2 = 40 team entry fee = with more or less a beginer with newer rookie players
Div 1 = 60 team entry fee = with more high-end rookie and novice players
100% of entry fees go to prizes
refs hmm i havent totally got this down im sure i will need a couple of refs maybe 2 more
there is no set date yet most likely the 30 or 31st?
please post your input this is totaly your fun tourney tell me what you guy want to happen
let me and outty ref hehe
sounds like an alright event..
ill so enter and are we allowed to bring our own paint or do we have to use field paint???
Field paint
EDIT: Ben also see how much Dale will sell us paint for, for the tourny.
i will also reff this one
and lets allow ramp MMMHAHAHA jk
just so u all know these are just my sugestions nothing is set in stone there will be changes help me out throw out ideas
feild paint only
Talk to Dale and set a date for the tourny. That should be one of the first things on the list of things to do. I suggest July 24th or July 31st. Those are both sundays. Once you've set a date, set a time.
its not gonna be a 2 day tourney? ok. do we need to come up with team names or is it team a vs. team b or team 1 vs. team 2 etc...