Need To Buy Rip Knob!!!
Recently, I broke the rip knob drive thingy on my halo (stupid plastic), and with the history I have with my halo, I need it.
So I need to buy the little rip knob thing that is under the loader, that you see spinning, and I need it BEFORE nationnals. I will be at PAG this Thursday (25TH) for practice, and that is the only time I will be there this week due to exams. I don't care what kind of rip knob it is (although I prefer NOT to buy home made ones), as long as its cheapish (yes "ish") and it works.
So please somebody help me out!!!!!!!! :p
PM me or post here doesn't matter I am on often enough.
UP!!!!!!! Somebody help me out!!!! Will except home made ones if you have them!!!!
Need before Nationnals!!!!
super glue something to the metal part. Like anything knobish.
ya glue, or use a soldering iron if you got one, its just as good, and free...
....pop bottle caps are actually pretty durable..XD could try that XD..I work at a welding shop near pag, so if I ever break mine(my halo B doesn't have a rip drive yet, but later it will) I could just take an old keychain ring and try to make something out of it. Crazy glue might help you out too. Also, I do believe PAG carries spare knobs.
Ok thanks guys, will go find some glue, and the bottle cap idea accually sounds like it would work so maybe I'll try that.
But I'm still looking for a proper rip knob, so if anybody has one, offer up!!!
O and one more thing...
And one more thing (again)
Lets find Joel's EGO!!!!!!!!