pants jerseys masks hoppers marker gloves
1. 2 pairs of empire tournement pants in yellow both size 34-36 one pair has never seen the feild and the other has been played in 3 times $50 each
2. yellow empire jersey xl - $30
3. Red Jt premier jersey hasnt seen feild use says xl bit fits like xxl or maby xxxl- $40
4. Blue Proto jersey hasnt seen feild use with tags still xl - $25
5. Red proto gloves large xl- $20
6. Smoke shelld evo II hopper hasnt had paint ran threw it - $75
7. Used black evo II hopper noticeable use - $60
8. Dye lock lid pods mostly smoke some clear some purple about 12 or more 4 bucks each
9. Gennesis surge II camo coloured marker with 2-20 oz tanks and gravity feed hopper + ill throw in some freebies and a jt radar mask everything needed to start playing- $140
10. Grey coloured Jt proflex ize with bran new lens in it - $50
11. grey profiler - $60